Shadow comparison

Raw tex2D(ShadowMap, ShadowTexCoord)

Blured version of tex2D(ShadowMap, ShadowTexCoord)


Blurred version of PCSS

notice more even distribution of shadows on a cheek, under nose, and over eyes.

Soft shadow support

I have added PCSS support to my software.
You can see results on the image.
Performance is not bad neither.

3 Spotligths 16 samples blocker search, 16 samples PCF.

It took me a day to tweek everything, so that now it is more or less error prone (i hope).
Some links:

So whats new now

Recently i have been adding some new features to software. I am really disappointed, cause content producing guys do not use all the possibilites of the software. So i added some functionality that is completly transparent to use, ie. automatic. Above are some scenes from last season, i set the materials, No characters this time ! Scenes use glow and depth of field but no SSAO.

the old skul tip & trick

sin cos table old skul

back to the 32bit roots ?

Profiler in VS2005 on 64-bit OS is not working !?
Nor is profiling in VS2008 working on wow64. Damn.

As always, shadows on my mind... poor man's VSM mapping

Pros: Quite fast with soft edge (non-realistic) shadows

Cons: Edge bleeding

Should do Poisson filtering with depth difference when blurring, to avoid it !
The main idea is really simple:
1.We render depth buffer since we need it for SSAO.
2.We render a shadow calculation pass. to get shadow contributions to the scene. Shadow map resolutions can be low, standard problems with insufficient sampling will occur anyhow. Try something like PSM or similar.

3. So now you have black and white image with shadows only (notice poor resolution of shadow maps on the far wall): 4. A SSAO full resolution pass

Modulate SSAO and full screen shadow map pass , downsample 4x, blur horizontally and verticaly two times and upsample back to screen resolution .

Final result: lightning with modulated shadowing from 2 spot lights and combined SSAO pass. Notice smooth shadows of the far wall.
Edge detect using shadow contribution pass and SSAO post process, could be used to do different blurs depending on depth change.

... some more

at the end of the day, some more SSAO.

darkness is comming...

this SSAO thing, I kinda like it ;)
Post process passes: SSAO->DownSample->BlurH->BlurV->UpSample->Overlay
Depth Texture size: 256x256, Normal Texture size: 1024
Normal texture size should be bigger to avoid artifacts.

BUT... the more i look at it, the more creases bother me. So its acctualy "Ambient Occlusive Crease Shading". This paper is more interesting.


Image space ambient occlusion or Screen space ambient occlusion, based on and

gpgpu forums

code for copy paste ... but more instructions...maybe change g_cKernelSize to 8 or 12...

// File: PP_SSAO.fx
// Desc: Effect file for image post-processing sample. This effect contains
// a single technique with a pixel shader that calculates simple SSAO
// uses full screen depth and normals
texture Albedo; // Here are normals
texture NormalMap; // Here is depth
// Texture samplers
sampler AlbedoSampler = sampler_state {
Texture = (Albedo);
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
sampler NormalMapSampler = sampler_state {
Texture = (NormalMap);
MipFilter = NONE;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;

static const int g_cKernelSize = 24;
float2 PixelKernel[g_cKernelSize ] = {
{-0.326212f, -0.405805f},
{-0.840144f, -0.07358f},
{-0.695914f, 0.457137f},
{-0.203345f, 0.620716f},
{ 0.96234f, -0.194983f},
{ 0.473434f, -0.480026f},
{-0.519456f, 0.767022f},
{ 0.185461f, -0.893124f},
{ 0.507431f, 0.064425f},
{ 0.89642f, 0.412458f},
{-0.32194f, -0.932615f},
{-0.791559f, -0.597705f},
{ 0.326212f, -0.405805f},
{ 0.840144f, -0.07358f},
{ 0.695914f, 0.457137f},
{ 0.203345f, 0.620716f},
{-0.96234f, -0.194983f},
{-0.473434f, -0.480026f},
{ 0.519456f, 0.767022f},
{-0.185461f, -0.893124f},
{-0.507431f, 0.064425f},
{-0.89642f, 0.412458f},
{ 0.32194f, -0.932615f},
{ 0.791559f, -0.597705f}

float2 TexelKernel[g_cKernelSize]
< convertpixelstotexels512 = "PixelKernel">;

//float3 Settings (AOCreaseValues - Range, Bias, Averager, Unused)
float4 Settings = { 0.4196,-0.2510,4.8471,3.0627 };
float4 SettingsB = { 25.8824,1.0000,1.0000,1.0000 };

float4 PostProcessPS( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
// Get center sample
float UVlr = 1/256;
float2 centeredUV = Tex;
float3 centerPos = tex2D(AlbedoSampler, centeredUV).xyz; // normals
float3 centerNormal = tex2D(NormalMapSampler, centeredUV).xyz; // depth
float4 totalGI = 1.0f;
float GI = 0.0f;

// Run through all taps
for (int i = 0; i < sampleuv =" centeredUV" samplepos =" tex2D(AlbedoSampler," tocenter =" samplePos" distance =" length(toCenter);" centercontrib =" saturate((dot(toCenter,centerNormal)" rangeattenuation =" 1-saturate(distance" totalgi =" float4(GI,GI,GI,1.0f);" vertexshader =" null;" pixelshader =" compile" zenable =" false;">