Need some task based scripting or better command line for Windows ? Get this shell, still in beta, but still very nice. There is an article at arstechnica.
Right now i am in working on how to render clouds. This is not going to be so easy. None of the techiques satisfy all the needs. Or they are too expensive for realtime or they don't look good enough. i'll be back with more info.
A shell and a cloud
Software design !
Check this essay, it is about software design, by Jack W.Reeves, i think it's like "uh man, from what planet are you". A must read !!
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Some articles
When we plan for software evolution, we need not fear product revolution. Using the concepts described in this paper, you can begin to design your business products so that they will be better able to quickly adapt to marketing challenges.,1410,31994,00.html
Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management - One of the reasons good management is so hard to learn is that much of management takes place behind closed doors. We’re going to open those doors and allow you to see great management in action.By Johanna Rothman and Esther Derby
Syndromes of Forgotten Programmers - The people who come and go in a software shop may eventually be forgotten, but the tracks programmers leave behind make a lasting impression.By Kevin Cauble