Can't Compile Content Exporter with new FBXSDK 2011.3 ?

due to changes in recent FBX sdk, change:
 Line 170: 
    //DOUBLE* pColorRGB = (DOUBLE*)pFbxLight->Color.Get();
    fbxsdk_2011_3::fbxDouble3 pColorRGB = pFbxLight->Color.Get();

so ParseMesh.cpp in ImportFBX line 182 should be:
     KFbxMesh::EMeshSmoothness Smoothness = pFbxMesh->GetMeshSmoothness();
    if( Smoothness != KFbxMesh::eHULL && g_pScene->Settings().bConvertMeshesToSubD )

Line 222, FBXImportMain.cpp:
    //KFbxIO::GetCurrentVersion( iMajorVersion, iMinorVersion, iRevision );
    g_pSDKManager->GetFileFormatVersion(iMajorVersion, iMinorVersion, iRevision );
Line  240, FBXImportMain.cpp:
    //g_pImporter->SetFileFormat( iFileFormat ); // GetFileFormatVersion
    BOOL bResult = g_pImporter->Initialize( strFileName, iFileFormat );

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