A shell and a cloud

Need some task based scripting or better command line for Windows ? Get this shell, still in beta, but still very nice. There is an article at arstechnica.
Right now i am in working on how to render clouds. This is not going to be so easy. None of the techiques satisfy all the needs. Or they are too expensive for realtime or they don't look good enough. i'll be back with more info.

Software design !

Check this essay, it is about software design, by Jack W.Reeves, i think it's like "uh man, from what planet are you". A must read !!

Some articles

When we plan for software evolution, we need not fear product revolution. Using the concepts described in this paper, you can begin to design your business products so that they will be better able to quickly adapt to marketing challenges.

Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management - One of the reasons good management is so hard to learn is that much of management takes place behind closed doors. We’re going to open those doors and allow you to see great management in action.By Johanna Rothman and Esther Derby

Syndromes of Forgotten Programmers - The people who come and go in a software shop may eventually be forgotten, but the tracks programmers leave behind make a lasting impression.By Kevin Cauble


20. - 28.9.2005
Spent a fortune, seen a lot of happy people.
The problem is that they have no access to any information in this world.
They live, and believe that someday will be better !
And it will be, it will be.

Heard a lot of The Beatles and even more salsa.
Need some noise now, to clear my mind !


Keep the Pace, drive safe and always wave to bikers !

Any how, i have been rather busy working on some very interesting stuff i can not talk about.
There are plenty of shaders, HDR, some behavioral and dynamic animation, and a lot of AI.


I have re-written a sound capture plugin - that can capture from 4 stereo lines (8 channels max) and rewrote all blend shape calculation functions.
I have tried to do it in a simple way and do things realy fast.

Ah yes, multichannel sound comes from USB 2.0 (480 Mbit/s) device capable of delivering 96kHz, but i am taking 44.1 only. Not that i would need this much for what i do with streams (8000 Hz would suffice)

When app was up and running, after all the characters were properly set, a sudden frame rate drop occured. Why ?

It seems that audio device completly slows down the computer.

Ah yes, did the proper material library for shaders. PS2.0
Diffuse,Phong,Blinn,Minnaert,Oren-Nayar, Ward,Schlick,Cook-Torrance.
Versions are: noTex,Tex,Bump,Environment+Bump

So shaders anyone ?


I got new credit card and guess what: i went spending right away - i wanted Books - not one, but a whole shelf of them; and i bought them all, the ones that were on my list for some time, the recommended ones, the ones that others also bought when they bought the recommended one. shit. i spent a small fortune for the books in a matter of minutes.
ok, at least i didn't bought a car. But i might get a motorcycle. After i'll read all the books, of course.

And I got a Laptop

Nice piece and i sure as hell don't understand why they put home edition xp on hardware like this.
Disks are kinda slow, but display is superb and battery life is quite good. I like it. I like that it has Radeon 9600/9700, so i can run all PS2.0 on it, but once it comes to floating point textures, 64MB vram is just not enough.
One more thing i don't understand with notebook manufacturers is, why do they have to put so many different progies with it. Do i realy need a touch pad icon, a touch and launch, a zoom an X icon and 30 other small never gona-to-be used programs loaded, expanding over half of the task bar? come on. I disabled most of them, and still there is like 17 icons. Hey! Don't waste my desk space, I need it for other things (icons probably).

So here i am

I decide to step out of the darkness and started to share my thoughts and free-time work with internet community.
I hope I will manage to update this blog as often as possible: ideas, examples, demos, etc.
and that not all of the posts will be as short as this.